Deviation Actions

jconway's avatar

Jehol Biota



This is the second of my animated paintings done for the launch of Ontograph Studios.

A representation of the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota from some of the largest fossils to the smallest. At the largest scale you can see the ornithopod dinosaur Jinzhousaurus yangi, while the anurognathid pterosaur Jeholopterus ningcchengensis flies through the centre. Closer in you can see that Jeholopterus is hunting the ichneumon wasp Tanychora beipioensis, which is covered with the pollen Protoconiferous funarius.

It was made with a series of Photoshop paintings at progressively smaller scales, which were stitched together and animated in After Effects.
Image size
640x360px 32.15 MB
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